Black-Crowned Night Heron
Nycticorax Nycticorax Hoactli

I’m the Black-Crowned Night Heron, my lenght is about 56 centimeters, I belong to the heron species, but my appearance is totally different. My beak is dark yellow and very long, my feet are yellow and relatively short. I hace grey plumage on my neck and belly, and the upper part of my head is black with blue shades, besides, I have a white feather that comes out of my neck.

I live thoughout Chile, and dwell in marshy areas, shores, wetlands, reaching the pre-mountain chain. If I’m hungry, I can be steady for a long time until my prey is on sight. I hunt during nightime, and I like to eat snails, amphibians, worms and fishes. In the south of Chile, they call me the “witch bird”, thanks to my throaty squawk, but I’m usually a very quiet bird.

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